Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Week 4

 Friday this week was normal and nothing special happened.  Saturday was the hottest day since I've been working here and in the afternoon, I worked with a keeper and did some goat training with our newest pygmy goat, Ashes. Sunday was the first day of the intern classes that I have to take during my internship.  First we had a lesson on public interaction and then walked around the zoo a for a little while interacting with the guests.  After that we had a lesson on different emergencies in the zoo, Code Yellow, Code Pink, Code Red, and Non-Code Red, what the differences are between them, what is done when they are called, and who does what as well as what interns are supposed to do when one of them is called.  After the intern class I went over to the tortoise exhibit to cut down some plum browse to bring to the goats and sheep.  On Monday, a new intern started on String 7, so I spent a most of the day showing her how to do all the things that have to get done there everyday as well as teaching her how to tell some of the animals apart.
Ashes, the goat I did training with
Bob getting his special grain, water, and salt meal
Christina, one of the ring tails, eating lunch

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