Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Week 6

This week was again mostly normal.  The cats are now allowed out almost everyday to roam around, but have to have someone keeping an eye on them making sure they do not go by gators or pigs.  If they do, they are picked up and carried back to their room and placed there as a reset, the intent being that they will learn if they go past certain points they will have to start all over again making it a waste of their energy.  Sunday was the intern class again, and this week it was about enrichment and during the class we all designed small enrichment items that we could give to an animal of our choosing if we wanted, I made mine for the lemurs.  We also had a behind the scenes tour of part of String 8, the hyena, vervet monkey, and meerkat nighthouses.  The keeper called these animals into their nighthouses while we were there so that we could see them.  On Monday I did more lemur observations for my intern project.
Billy, complaining about having to be inside for the night.
Ring tail lemur with enrichment I made at intern class
Ring tail lemur with enrichment I made at intern class

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